Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Review ~ Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
by Elizabeth Gilbert
Published: September 22, 2015

Big Magic was an impulse buy for me. I'm not big on reading personal growth or self-help books. But over the holiday season, I was working at a bookstore and Big Magic was one of our Door Buster sales. I'd never read anything by Gilbert before, and decided to give it a try.

Big Magic is about embracing the creativity that is around and within each of us. Gilbert encourages her readers to open themselves up to creativity and accept that inspiration is not always explainable. We have to be open to inspiration, while realizing that inspiration is fickle. Use it or lose it.

Perhaps the best piece of advice I got out of this book was to become great at half-assing it. Sounds a bit odd? Well, as someone who will spend hours rewriting the same paragraph it made sense to me. Her point here is that creating something that's good is better than never creating something that's great. 

Gilbert has an engaging voice, and I enjoyed reading the personal anecdotes she added in. There were points where I skimmed, simply because I got the point before she'd finished explaining it, but overall this was a great read and I'd recommend it for anyone who is looking at how to tap into their creativity.

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