Sunday, September 9, 2012

Review: Accordance by Shelly Crane

Accordance (Significance, 2)
by Shelly Crane
Published: September 11, 2012
Available: Amazon 
In the sequel, Maggie learns much more about all the strange things that happened to her, and has to face new ones. She rebels against it, but ultimately, must face it for her new families sake and maybe even her life. Bish went from being her biggest supporter to her biggest pain in the butt and Kyle's intentions to attract her interest may not be so innocent. Caleb and Maggie face many new obstacles together and fight to work through them but will one that should be a good thing be too much for Maggie to handle?


When I read Significance, I breezed through it. There was just something about the story that kept me turning the pages. Crane had a pacing style that while it wasn't super fast paced, it was constant, and I felt like there wasn't one good place to just pause. That ended with me finishing the book in one sitting. The same thing happened with Accordance. Crane had me turning pages, wanting to see what would happen next.

I really enjoyed continuing Maggie and Caleb's story, and though I thought Crane was going to go the Twilight route with the love triangle, she pulls something off that changed the course of the relationships between Maggie, Caleb, and Kyle. The other part I really loved was that Maggie is not helpless. Yes, Caleb wants to protect her, and he does, but Maggie also has some amazing talents that make her much more powerful than all of the others. She doesn't sit back and let Caleb and his family do everything, and she doesn't do stupid things to try and help. She uses her brain and powers together.

The only real issue I had was the formatting. I purchased a paperback copy, and the font was small. Very small. Maybe 6 or 8 point font, with the text taking maybe half the page. My recommendation is to purchase the ebook version where this type of formatting problem doesn't happen.

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